How To Choose Your Major

Is there a difference between choosing a major and choosing a career? For many students, the purpose of attending college is to ultimately secure employment. When considering the major/career decision, you may wish to keep the following in mind:


"Major" refers to an area of study, not necessarily a defined occupation.
Although some technical careers may require certain majors (i.e. nursing, teaching, accounting), many careers do not demand a certain major.
In many cases, employers hire people with skills, not particular majors. They look for employees who have the ability to complete tasks associated with the job description.
Job titles do not fully convey information about the skills required to fulfill the job responsibilities. Similarly, college majors do little to convey your qualifications to pursue a specific job.

A Self Quiz

Career decision-making is an active, thought-provoking, and sometimes, time-consuming process. It involves assessing your interests, abilities, experiences, and values to determine how best you would fit into the world of work. Why not start today by asking yourself the following questions. You may even want to jot your answers down while you think!

What activities do I participate in during my spare time?
ماهي الأنشطة والهوايات التي أحب أن أشارك فيها أوقات الفراغ؟
What am I good at?
ماهي الأشياء التي أجيدها؟
What have I done in the past that makes me especially proud?
ماهي الإنجازات زالأعمال التي قمت بها في الماضي وأنا فخور بها؟
What skills would I like to improve?
ماهي المهارات التي أمتلكها وأسعى إلى تطويرها؟
What classes am I currently taking or have taken that I most enjoy?
ماهي المواد التي درستها واستمعت بها؟
What important  values do I have ?
ماهي القيم التي أمتلكها وأدافع عنها؟
How do my values affect my academic and career interests?
هل هذه القيم تؤثر على دراستي وتتناسب مع المجال الذي أحبه؟
What are my life circumstances and how might these affect my decision?
ماهي ظروف الحياة المحيطة بي ومدى تأثيرها على قرار اختيار التخصص؟
What are my career goals?
ماهي أهدافي الوظيفية؟
How do these goals fit with my values, interests and abilities?
هل هذه الوظيفة تتناسب مع القيم التي أحملها ومع القدرات التي أمتلكها؟

Think about the answers that you have given. What are they telling you about your current and future direction?

الصفحة الرئيسية