Heart disease risk calculator

Calculate your heart disease risk score

Estimate your risk of having a heart attack or dying of heart disease within the next 10 years. This tool is for use by adults without known heart disease or diabetes.

Enter your information below. | Use mg/dL

Age: Sex: Smoker:
Total cholesterol (mmol/L):
HDL cholesterol (mmol/L):
Systolic Blood Pressure (mm/Hg):
Taking blood pressure medication:



Total cholesterol
is the sum of all of your blood's cholesterol content, which includes high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol.

HDL cholesterol is often called the "good" cholesterol — it helps protect against heart disease by keeping your coronary arteries free of disease.

Systolic blood pressure is the top (or higher) number from your blood pressure reading. It reflects the pressure created by the pumping of your heart.

More on heart disease
Coronary heart disease usually develops in adult life. Your lifestyle can affect the health of your heart and coronary arteries. Taking the following steps can help you prevent heart disease:

  • Get regular medical checkups.
  • Control your blood pressure. A resting blood pressure reading of 115/75 is the level above which your risk of cardiovascular complications begins to increase.
  • Check your cholesterol every three to five years.
  • Don't smoke.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Eat a variety of low-fat foods, emphasizing vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes.
  • Manage stress.

This tool is based on information gathered from the Framingham Heart Study.