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Department of Physics

Phys 102 - laboratory

Section# 60 (061)

Instructor: Mr. Al-Aswad


   Grading Policy:

   The lab grade will contribute to the total grade with 200 points out of 1000. These 200 points will

   be distributed as follows:

   Reports              100   points

   Quizzes               50    points

   Final Exam        50    points



  Attendance Policy:

-        As stated by the university policy, attending classes (which include labs) is compulsory.

-        Being absent in a lab will result in getting “zero” in both the report and the quiz of that lab.

-        If you miss 3 labs, you get a DN.

-        Only absent students with official excuse will be able to makeup their missed labs. An official excuse is that issued by the deanship of students’ affairs or that signed by the physics department chairman.

-        Any student in position of an excuse for officially authorized absence must present this excuse to the instructor no later than one-week following his missed lab.

-        There will be no makeup for the final exam.