The King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals (PO Box 144, Dhahran
31261) was founded in 1963 (1382/83 AH) under the name of
the College of Petroleum and Minerals with fewer than 100
students. In 1964 (1383/84 AH), the University decided to
admit other Arab and Muslim students along with Saudi
students. The College was officially inaugurated in 1965
(1384/85 AH) by the late King Faisal who, on that occasion,
declared that "it is a great pleasure for us to take part in
inaugurating this great institution, of which the least that
can be said is that it represents one of the pillars of our
scientific, economic and industrial development". By 1974
(1394 AH), student enrollment had increased to 1,500 and it
was accorded university status in 1975 (1395 AH).
In December
1986 (1407 AH), the University became the King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals. In 2000/2001 the
University had 680 teachers and 5,739 students. The King
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals can now claim to
be a university with internationally acknowledged and
respected standards of academic and technical excellence in
the fields of petroleum and mineral technology (