1. “Analytical cataloging of full-text journal databases at a Middle East university,” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 32, no.2 (2001): 81-89.
2. "Application of modern technologies in Arab libraries," Libri 33, no.2 (June 1983): 107-112.
3. “The application of TQM in cataloguing,” Library Management 18, no.6 (1997): 274-279.
4. “Arabic online catalog," Information Technology and Libraries 11, no.3 (September 1992): 244-251.
5. “Arabic script materials: cataloging issues and problems,” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 34, no.1 (2002): 67-77.
6. “ARABMARC: a long way to go,” World Libraries 8, no.2 (spring 1998): 60-68.
7. "Automated serials control at the University of Petroleum and Minerals using DOBIS/LIBIS periodicals control module," Serials Review 12, no.1(Spring 1986): 26-31.
8. "BiblioFile versus CDMARC Bibliographic," CD-ROM Librarian 6, no.11 (December 1991): 26-31.
9. “The cataloger’s workstation in the electronic library environment, ” The Electronic Library 19, no. 2 (2001): 78-83.
10. “Cataloging of audiovisual materials simplified,” Audiovisual Librarian 21, no.3 (August 1995): 183-188.
11. "Cataloging on microcomputer," Microcomputers for Information Management 11, no.2 (June 1994): 89-97.
12. "Cataloging practices in university libraries of Saudi Arabia," International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control 17, no.4 (Oct.-Dec. 1988): 59-61.
13. “Cooperative cataloging: prospects and problems for libraries in Saudi Arabia,” Library Resources & Technical Services 41, no.3 (July 1997): 267-272.
14. "Continuing education for catalogers in Saudi Arabia," Cataloging & Classification Quarterly41, no. 3-4 (2006): 461-470
15. "A decade of DOBIS/LIBIS at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Library in Saudi Arabia," Program: Automated Library and Information Systems 26 no.2 (April 1992): 111-123.
16. “DMARC: an extended USMARC format,” Technical Services Quarterly
14, no.4 (1997): 37-46.
17. "DOBIS/LIBIS acquisitions subsystem in operation at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals," Library Acquisitions: Practice & Theory 11, no.4 (1987): 325-334.
18. “DOBIS/LIBIS: an overview of developments through version 3,” Library Software Review 16, no.2 (June 1997): 73-78.
19. "The DOBIS/LIBIS circulation control system," Asian Libraries 3, no.2 (June 1993): 59-67.
20. "DOBIS/LIBIS network of university libraries in Saudi Arabia," Resource Sharing and Information Networks 9, no.2 (1994): 101-110.
21. "Electronic tools for cataloguing," OCLC Systems & Services 19, no.1 (2003): 23-27.
22. “From MARC to MARC 21 and beyond,” Library Hi Tech 20, no.3 (2002): 370-377.
23. "The impact of information technology on job requirements and qualifications for catalogers," Information Technology and Libraries 22, no.1 (March 2003): 18-22.
24. "Improvisations in cataloging of theses and dissertations," Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 20, no.2 (1995): 51-59.
25. "Libraries and information centers in Saudi Arabia," International Library Review 11, no.4 (October 1979): 409-419.
26. "Maintenance of the DOBIS/LIBIS database," Aslib Proceedings 46, no.2 (February 1994): 43-47.
27. “Managing a library automation project,” Aslib Proceedings 48, no.1 (January 1996): 23-28.
28. "Migration from DOBIS/LIBIS to Horizon at KFUPM" Library Hi Tech 24, no. 3 (2006): 440-451
29. “Preparing catalogers for the electronic environment: an analysis of cataloging and related courses in the Arabian Gulf Region,” Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 39, no.1 (winter 1998): 2-13.
30. "Public access online catalogue at the University of Petroleum and Minerals Library," Herald of Library Science 23, no.3-4 (July-Oct. 1984): 192-195.
31. "Retrospective conversion: the UPM Library experience," Arab Journal for Librarianship & Information Science 5, no.1 (January 1985): 25-33.
32. "A survey of the Arabian Gulf library automation marketplace," Program: Automated Library and Information Systems 37, no.4 (2003): 226-233.
33. “System migration: challenges for libraries in the Arabian Gulf Region,” The Electronic Library 16, no3 (June 1998): 171-174.
34. -with Mohammad Saleh Ashoor. "User reactions to the online catalog at the University of Petroleum and Minerals Library," Journal of Academic Librarianship 13, no.4 (September 1987): 221-225.
35. – and Hamed Mostafa Kadry. "Data migration from DOBIS/LIBIS to Horizon: experiences from the KFUPM Library in Saudi Arabia," Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems 40, no.1 (2006): 74-88.
36. --and Jalal Ahmed Shaikh. "Current initiatives for e-journal archives and perpetual access at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, The Serials Librarian 57 (2009): 128-136.
37. --and Saleh Al-Baridi. "Symphony: SirsiDynix's flagship integrated library system: a Horizon user's perspective," Computers in Libraries 29, no. 7 (July/August): 6-
38. --and Syed Sajjad Ahmed. "From online catalogs to library portals: empowering users," Vine: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems 37, no. 3 (2007): 275-283
1. "Anis Khurshid: a bio-bibliographic study," in, Library and Information Services in Developing Countries: a Festschrift for Anis Khurshid. Lahore: Library & Information Management Academy, 1993, pp.1-21.
2. "Library automation: a new dimension in Arabian Gulf librarianship," in, Dimensions of Library and Information Science: Kaula Festschrift.New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, 1990, pp.141-152.BOOKS
1. Librarianship in Pakistan: Ten Years Work, 1967-72. Karachi: Department of Library Science, University of Karachi, 1974.
2. Libraries and Librarianship in Saudi Arabia. Karachi: Mahmood Khan, S-1/58, Saudabad, 1980.
3. Ten Years Work in Librarianship in Pakistan, 1973-1982; with a foreword by Dr.David Kaser. Karachi: Mahmood Khan, S-1/58, Saudabad, 1983.
4. -with Naimuddin Qureshi, (eds.). Trends in International Librarianship: a Festschrift Honouring Anis Khurshid. Karachi: Royal Book Company, 1991.CONFERENCE PAPERS
1. “The cataloger’s workstation in the electronic library environment,” a paper presented at the Seventh SLA-AGC Conference on Towards a Network of Electronic Libraries: a Gulf Perspective, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 27-29 October, 1999.
2. "Cataloging vertical file materials on DOBIS/LIBIS," in, Programme, List of Participants, Conference Papers - 13th Annual Meeting of the DOBIS/LIBIS Users Group,Reykjavik, Iceland, 6-9 September, 1994, p.291-300.
3. “Cooperative cataloging: prospects and problems for libraries in Saudi Arabia,” a paper presented at the Third SLA-AGC Conference on Strengthening Resource Sharing in Libraries and Information enters in the Arabian Gulf Region, Al-Ain, 15-17 March 1995.
4. "DMARC: a standard format for the exchange of bibliographic data," a paper presented at the Second SLA-AGC Conference on Exploiting Technology for Effective Information Management in the Arabian Gulf Region, Bahrain, 12-14 January 1994.
5. "Enhanced use of the bibliographic pool file at the KFUPM Library," in, Programme, List of Participants, Papers Distributed at the Meeting - 10th Annual Meeting of the DOBIS/LIBIS Users Group, Tokyo, 10-13 September 1991, p.98-106.
6. “From MARC to MARC 21 and beyond,” a paper presented at the Eighth SLA-AGC Conference on Challenges and Opportunities for Arabian Gulf Libraries in the New Millennium, Abu Dhabi, 24-26 October 2000.
7. “The impact of information technology on job requirements and qualifications for catalogers: an analysis of job advertisements,” a paper presented at the Ninth SLA-AGC Conference on Management for Change: Issues for Digital Libraries in the Arabian Gulf Region, Doha, Qatar, 2-4 April 2002.
8. “The plight of Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir: a review of information sources,” a paper presented at the Symposium on Islamic World Information Sources, organized by the King Abdulaziz Public Library…et al., Riyadh, 31 Oct.-3 Nov. 1999.
9. “Preparing catalogers for the electronic environment: an analysis of cataloging and related courses in the Arabian Gulf Region,” a paper presented at the Fourth SLA-AGC Conference on Human Resource Development in the Electronic Library Environment, Kuwait City, 16-18 April, 1996.
10. "Standardization of bibliographic elements for computer-based resource sharing among Arab libraries," in, Proceedings of the Symposium on New Technology in Libraries: Prospects and Problems for Libraries in the Gulf States. Dhahran: University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1982, p.119-124.
11. -with Husni Al-Muhtaseb, M. Saleh Ashoor. "A step towards Arabic Machine-Readable Cataloging (ARABMARC)," a paper presented at the Second SLA-AGC Conference on Exploiting Technology for Effective Information Management in the Arabian Gulf Region, Bahrain, 12-14 January 1994.
Short courses
“Online cataloging,” and “Periodicals control,”
An Introductory Course on Library Automation, 5-9 October 1985.
“Automated cataloging,” and “Automated acquisitions,”
Short Course on Computer Applications to Modern Library Management, 6-10 December,1986.
“Evaluation of catalog use,”
Short Course on Measurement and Evaluation of Library and Information Services, 9-13 April 1988.
“Cataloging on microcomputer,”
Short Course on Use of Microcomputers in Libraries, 19-23 November 1988.
“Building a bibliographic database,”
Short Course on Library Automation, 1-5 April 1989.
“Cataloging on microcomputer,”
Short Course on Microcomputer Applications in Technical Services in Libraries, 10-21 February 1990.
“Bibliographic databases,”
Short Course on Building In-House Bibliographic Databases, 2-6 June 1990.
“CD-ROM for cataloging,”
Short Course on Application of CD-ROM Technology in Libraries, 7-11 December 1991.
“Online catalog as a modern reference service tool,”
Short Course on Modern Reference & Information Services, 23-27 May 1992.
“Management of library operation: acquisition, cataloging & automation,”
Short Course on Management Skills for Librarians, 5-9 December 1992.
“Cataloging on microcomputer,”
Short Course on Use of Microcomputers in Libraries, 8-19 May 1993.
“Resource sharing,” and “Use of computers in collection development,”
Short Course on Strategies for Effective Development and Management of Information Resources, 9-20 April 1994.
“Using CD-ROM for cataloging,”
Short Course on CD-ROM-Based Information Retrieval Services, 12-16 November 1994.
“Using microcomputers in cataloging,”
Short Course on Effective Information Management Using Microcomputer Resources, 8-12 April 1995.
“TQM Application in technical operations,”
Short Course on Total Quality Management in Libraries and Information Centers, 25-29 November 1995.
“Processing of library materials in the electronic environment,”
Short Course on Electronic Information Sources, 25-29 May 1996.
“Management of processing in the electronic environment,”
Short Course on Planning and Management of Libraries in the Electronic Environment, 7-11 December 1996.
"Use of electronic tools for knowledge organization,"
Short Course on Use of Electronic Tools for Knowledge Organization, 1-5 March 2003
"Automated cataloging: operations and tools,"
Short Course on Automated Cataloging, 24-28 April 2004
"Library automation: developments from 1st to 3rd generation systems with a focus on Horizon,"
"Use of electronic tools for knowledge organization,"
Short Course on Use of Electronic Tools for Knowledge Organization, 1-5 March 2003.
Short Course on Mastering the Library Automation System Functions, 23-27 April 2005
"Cataloging in the 21st century,"
Short Course on Cataloging in the 21st Century, 15-19 April 2006
“File creation, retrospective conversion, and OPAC development,”
Workshop on Computer Applications in Libraries and Information Centers, Al-Ain, UAE, 13-15 March 1995.
“Quality improvements in library operations,”
Workshop on Excellence in Information Services Through Quality Management, Kuwait City, 13-15 April 1996.
Authority control, KFUPM Library, December 1987
"Search techniques in the library online catalog (DOBIS/LIBIS)," Chemical Engineering Department, 18 November 1990; Department of Accounting & MIS, 17 December 1990
"An overview of DOBIS/LIBIS new version (3.0)," KFUPM Library, 27 April 1998
"Status of Horizon implementation," KFUPM Library, 13 October 2004
"Horizon information management system," KFUPM Library, 26 April 2005
"Balanced Scorecard at KFUPM Library," KFUPM Library, 20 September 2006