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Heart Disease History

Before 1900, very few people died of heart disease. Since then, heart disease has become the number one killer in the United States. The age of technology has made life easier and made people more prone to heart disease. Before the Industrial Revolution, most people made their living through some sort of manual labor. Walking was the major means of transportation. Laundry was scrubbed and wrung by hand. Stairs were climbed, carpets were beat, and butter was churned. With the arrival of automation, life became less strenuous. Most manual labor was either replaced or assisted by machinery. Automobiles, washing machines, elevators, and vacuum cleaners became commonplace. Modern conveniences made physical activity unnecessary.

Along with the change in lifestyle came a change in diet. Machines were built to homogenize milk, process cheese, churn butter, and make ice cream. Previously, such high-fat treats had to be made by hand. Fried foods, like potato chips, hamburgers, and french fries, became staples in many diets.

The combination of a sedentary lifestyle and a rich diet led to an increase in clogged blood vessels, heart attacks, and strokes. Heart disease became commonplace. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between the 1940 and 1967 that the World Health Organization called it the world's most serious epidemic.

Medical science immediately went to work studying the disease and searching out its causes and cures. In 1948, a thirty-year study began in Framingham, Massachusetts. Known as the Framingham Study, the investigation involved 5127 people aged 30 to 62 who showed no signs of heart disease. Every two years, the participants underwent a complete physical examination. The Study lasted thirty years and provided priceless profile information for predicting heart disease.

Today, the causes of heart disease are known. To a certain extent, so are the cures. The field of cardiology has grown tremendously to meet the demands of the disease. Through the years, tools and techniques for treating heart disease have also evolved to meet the increased need. Many of the milestones in cardiology once seemed unreachable. Who knows what the future may hold?


The Circulatory System

The circulatory system is the network of elastic tubes that carries blood throughout the body. It includes the heart, lungs, arteries, arterioles  (small arteries), and capillaries  (very tiny blood vessels). These blood vessels carry oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to all parts of the body. The circulatory system also includes venules  (small veins) and veins. These are the blood vessels that carry oxygen- and nutrient-depleted blood back to the heart and lungs. If all these vessels were laid end-to-end, they'd extend about 60,000 miles. That's enough to encircle the earth more than twice.

The circulating blood brings oxygen and nutrients to all the body's organs and tissues, including the heart itself. It also picks up waste products from the body's cells. These waste products are removed as they're filtered through the kidneys, liver and lungs.

The circulatory system is made up of the heart and blood vessels.  The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood through vessels called arteries.  Veins carry blood from various parts of the body back to the heart.  Arteries and veins are connected by tiny capillaries.

The heart's right side receives dark bluish blood from the superior and inferior vena cava. (The superior vena cava is the large vein that brings blood back from the upper part of the body.  The inferior vena cava is the vein that brings blood from the lower body.)  The heart's right side pumps this blood to the lungs.  There, waste gas (carbon dioxide) is removed and oxygen is picked up.  The bright red oxygenated blood returns to the heart's left side.  Then it's pumped out into a large artery called the aorta to be distributed by smaller arteries to all parts of the body



  How The Heart Works?

  Heart and Arrhythmia

  Famous Firsts in Cardiology: Milestones in Cardiology.

  A peek at the secret life of your heart.

   Normal BP (Blood Pressure)

The best way to maintain a healthy heart is to eat correctly, exercise regularly and keep surfing my Web Site and links for the latest  health information.

You can learn more about your health and heart and other diseases at the articles and  links at Favorites

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